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WABC: The Other Side of Midnight with Frank Morano

THE JOE PISCOPO SHOW: Dr. Charles Camarda

2 FUNNY ASTRONAUTS : Hilarious space stories with fellow astronauts Mike Massimino & Garrett Reisman

2 FUNNY ASTRONAUTS : Camarda part "Deux"!!!

THE CONNECTED LEADERSHIP : Dr. Charles Camarda on learning to fail

THINKERS 50 : The Provocateurs - Episode 7 with Charlie Camarda

BUSINESS OF COLLABORATION : Solving Epic Challenges at NASA “We need as much creativity as possible”

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NEW YORK EDGE : How do you recover after a disaster?

SSA SOUTH SEAS AVIATION : Exploring the future of space with NASA Astronaut Charlie Camarda

LEADING EDGE DISCOVERY : STS-114 Space Shuttle Discovery RTF 16th Crew Reunion

VIRGINIA TECH : Pioneers of Space - Charles Camarda

BRILLIANT STAR MAGAZINE : Space Ace Livestream with NASA Astronaut Charlie Camarda


SPACE CONNEX : The Role of Education in Developing Tomorrow’s Space Professionals

EPIC EDUCATION FOUNDATION : Master Epic Challenge Program with Charles Camarda

THE MENTOR PROJECT : Dr. Charles Camarda - NASA, and his EPIC Education Challenge

VALAMIS : What's your learning personality type, Dr. Charles Camarda?

VALAMIS : Astronauts Dr. Charles Camarda & Timothy Kopra discuss creative problem solving culture

FORA TV : How Can NASA Innovate?

CENTRE FOR CHANGE & COMPLEXITY IN LEARNING C3L : Prof. George Siemens interviews Dr. Charles Camarda

ROYAL INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA : Charles Camarda on becoming an astronaut

SIEMENS : Charlie Camarda of NASA at Siemens PLM Analyst Event

VALAMIS : Charles Camarda - Measuring and analyzing learning

GW SEAS : Dr. Charles Camarda SEAS R&D Showcase

NNPS-TV : AADA NASA Astronaut 2017

KNOWLEDGE @ NASA : Donald Pettit & Charles Camarda discuss offsite development of Reinforced Carbon

ASSOCIATED PRESS : Wake up call for STS-114 crew, NASA news conference

ELLIE IN SPACE : Ex-Astronaut Issues Dire Warning for NASA's Artemis II Mission

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ABC NEWS: Trump and Musk could redefine space policy

FORBES : Innovation, Connected: NASA Astronaut Wants To Fit 100,000 Engineers Into A Garage.

AEROTIME HUB : Exploring the future of space with Charlie Camarda from NASA

NASA TV : Astronaut Motivates Students to Take on Challenges

FORBES : 8 High Achievers Share How They Are Managing Pandemic Related Challenges

PENN STATE NEWS : NASA astronaut leads 'crash course' in problem solving

PENN STATE NEWS : NASA astronaut leads innovative boot camp at Penn State

AUTOMATION WORLD : Learning Should Learn How to Think About Thinking

WHATS UP NEW : NASA innovator joins renowned thought leaders to host ‘Symposium on Digital Education’

GEORGIA TECH : ASDL launches ACRUM, a year-long NASA collaboration

FORBES : 7 Astronauts Offer Tips On How To Thrive While Social Distancing

COSMOS AU : Charles Camarda PhD had mixed emotions

WYDAILY : Get Schooled: Berkeley Students Get Close Encounter With NASA Astronaut

SPACE.COM : Astronauts Talk Poets in Space and Mars Machinery with Future Engineers

L I HEARLD : Thousands on L.I. celebrate Apollo 11’s 50th anniversary

SPACE.COM : STS-114 Astronauts Share Spaceflight Experience with Students

US NEWS : How to Become an Astronaut and What to Study

NEWS DAY : Space Shuttle Astronaut Inducted into LI Hall of Fame

EVENSI : How NASA lost it's way and how it can recover

NY TIMES : Taking a Bit of New York Into Space

CONNECT TO TECH : NYU Polytechnic Astronaut Alums Pay a Visit

BALTIMORE SUN : Culinary students vie for spot on ISS menu

DAILY PRESS : Hampton culinary students vie for spot on International Space Station menu

SPACE.COM : Space Multitasking: A Look at Two STS-114 Mission Specialists

BROOKLYN PAPER : NYU Poly’s Astronaut-Alums pay their alma mater a visit

NBC NEWS : New Yorkers celebrate space at Intrepid Museum's SpaceFest

SPACE.COM : STS-114 Astronauts Celebrate Successful Mission, Remember Columbia's Crew

SPACE REF : MIT, Boeing, NASA, and edX to launch online architecture and systems engineering program

SPACE FLIGHT INSIDER : Our SpaceFlight Heritage: The Return

TECH CRUNCH : ‘The Satellite’ Is A Science Project To Bring You A Live Portrait Of Earth

SPACE.COM : Look! Up in the Sky! STS-121 Gets the Superhero Treatment

CBS NEWS : Mom Helps Astronaut Soar

NY TIMES : Home From Orbit, a Son Calls His Mother

QUEENS CHRONICLE : Ozone Park’s Charles Camarda To Fly On Discovery Shuttle

BRILLIANT STAR : Space Ace: Are Space Suits Comfortable?

PROGRESSIVE ENGINEER : NASA Space Shuttle Astronaut Comes Full Circle

STAR TRIBUNE : NASA-NOLS connection continues QNS : Camarda Reaches For Stars

GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE : Shuttle undergoes thorough exam

NEW SCIENTIST : Shuttle crew are strapped in, ready to go

NEWS FROM SPACE : STS-114 Mission Journal - Discovery Lands

CONGRESS.GOV : Space Shuttle Discovery STS flight 114

CONGRESS.GOV : Congratulates NASA and the Discovery crew

ABC NEWS AU : Space shuttle crew returns to Florida for take two

AMERICA SPACE : 'A Wonderful Moment For Us All'

BBC NEWS : Discovery takes on the challenge

WIRED : The Crew of Flight STS-114

THE IRISH TIMES : Shuttle docks with ISS

PBS : Shuttle Discovery Safely Returns to Earth

THE STAR : Space shuttle crew arrives in Florida for launch

ORLANDO SENTINEL : Astronaut Charles Camarda PhD

ASMS : Astronaut at ASMS